Monthly Archives: February 2018

Marry in Haste by Anne Gracie

Major Calbourone Rutherford returns to England on the trail of an assassin, only to find he’s become Lord Ashendon, with the responsibility for vast estates and dependent relatives. Cal can commend the toughest of men, but his half wild sisters are quite another matter. They might just be his undoing. When he discovers that Miss Enmaline Westwood, the girls’ former teacher, guides them with ease, Cal offers her a marriage of convenience. But strong minded and independent Emm is neither as compliant nor as proper as he expected, and Cal finds himself most inconveniently seduced by his convenient wife.

Emm knows they didn’t marry for love, yet beneath her husband’s austere facade, she catches glimpses of a man who takes her breath away. As pride, duty and passion clash, will these two stubborn hearts find more than they ever dreamed of?

So this is the first book I’ve read by Anne Gracie and I’ve really enjoyed. It is funny, well written and engaging. One of the interesting things about this book is that Emm is able to refuse Cal’s first few offers of marriage. And it was fun to see how Cal was so confused by this because he thought his offer was everything a woman could want. Overall a good story, perfect if you’re stuck in the snow. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The Elder Gods by David and Leigh Eddings

While most continents float freely on the face of Mother Sea, the Land of Dhrall survives anchored by the will of the Gods. All Gods, Elder and Younger, share the people and the land of Dhrall equally. But the one place they never enter is The Wasteland: a barren and hideous wilderness ruled by the Vlagh- a god like creature whose young are evil spawn. Now, as the Elder Gods are about to transfer their power to the Younger Gods, the Vlagh plans to take advantage of their weakened state and neutralize them, eventually conquering the world. To do so, it is breeding a terrible force borne of monsters and demons. But one ray of hope shines through the darkness: four children called the Dreamers. They alone hold the power to change the course of history … and stop the Vlagh in its quest for total world domination.

This is such a good book. I love anything that David Eddings writes. He is an amazing writer, who creates an amazing world. This is interesting, well written and has amazing characters. I loved everything about it. It is an amazing read, and one that is worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you it.

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Back on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber

There’s a new shop on Seattle’s Blossom Street- a flower shop called Susannah’s Garden, right next door to A Good Yarn. Susannah Nelson, the owner, has just hired an assistant named Colette Blake, a young widow who’s obviously hiding a secret-or two. When Susannah and Colette both join Lydia Goetz’s new knitting class, they discover that Lydia and her sister, Margaret, have worries of their own. Margaret’s daughter, Julia, is the victim of a carjacking, and the entire family is thrown into emotional chaos. Then there’s Alix Townsend, whose wedding is only months away. She’s not sure she can go through with it, though. A reception at the country club, with hundreds of guests she’s never met- it’s just not Alix. But, like everyone else in Lydia’s knitting class, she knows there’s a solution to every problem… and that another woman can usually help you find it!

This is another excellent book by Debbie Macomber. I love her way of writing. It’s so easy to read and you fall into the story. I loved hearing about Lydia’s new class. They are amazing characters and are so likeable. Debbie Macomber is one that everyone should read. This (and her other books) would be perfect for holidays or sitting in front of the fire with some tea or hot chocolate. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The Scoundrel and the Debutante by Julia London

The dust of the Cabot sisters’ shocking plans to rescue their family from certain ruin may have settled, but Prudence Cabot is left standing in the rubble of scandal. Now regarded as an unsuitable bride, she’s tainted among the ton. Yet this unwilling wallflower is ripe for her own adventure. And when an irresistibly sexy American stranger on a desperate mission enlists her help, she simply can’t deny the temptation. The fate of Roan Matheson’s family depends on how quickly he can find his runaway sister and persuade her to return to her betrothed. Scouring the rustic English countryside with the sensually wicked Prudence at his side- and in his bed- he’s out of his element. But once Roan has a taste of the sizzling passion that can lead to forever, he must chose between his heart’s obligations and its forbidden desires.

This is an excellent book. Julia London is an amazing writer. She gets you sucked into the story. Her characters are amazing and I love her stories. This is no exception. It is interesting, engaging and you’re left wanting more. I loved every second of it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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So someone recently asked me what kind of fantasy or sci fi I was into. I thought I would talk about it more here.

To be honest, when it comes to my reading I tend to be more into fantasy more than sci fi.

I think it’s because I would rather lose myself in another world than in a more sciencey version of our own.

Don’t get me wrong. I won’t diss sci fi coz there is a lot of good ones out there, I just haven’t gotten into them as much.

Here’s a list of some of my favourite fantasy books in no particular order:

1) Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

2) The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

3) The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

4) The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

5) The Belgariad by David Eddings

6) The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness

7) The Black Magican Trilogy by Trudi Canavan

8) Greatcoats by Sebastian de Castell

9) Nightdinner by Lynn Flewelling

10) Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

11) The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

12) The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

I think when it comes to tv shows I get a more of the sci fi vibe. For example, one of my favourite shows is Stargate SG1.

But that’s another story.

Either way, there are so many good books out there that would probably take several lifetimes to read.

Is there any that you would recommend?

The Devil Takes a Bride by Julia London

Once the toast of society, Grace Cabot and her sisters now await the shame of losing high status and fine luxuries upon the death of the Earl of Beckington. The dire circumstances are inevitable, unless of course, Grace’s wicked ploy to seduce a wealthy Viscount into marriage goes off without a single hitch. But once a stolen embrace with the wrong man leads her to be discovered in the arms of Geoffrey, Earl of Merryton, her plan takes a most unexpected -and scorching twist. Governed by routine and ruled by duty, Geoffrey had no desire for a wife before he succumbed to Grace’s temptation. Though his golden haired, in name only bride is the definition of disorder, he can’t resist wanting her in every way. But once her secrets meet his, society might consider their lives to be ruined beyond repair .. while Geoffrey might see it as a new beginning.

I so enjoyed reading this book. I loved reading more about the Cabot sisters and their plans to get back into society. It’s such an interesting book as well, because Geoffrey, I think, has OCD and it was interesting to see how the time dealt with that. I forget what year it was but I still thought it was interesting. I loved how Grace was able to see past it and to help Geoffrey with it. Either way, a well written book with amazing characters. And one I loved reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Brazen Temptress by Elizabeth Boyle

She came to betray him … No one could have known the truth: that the beauty who swept into the elegant ballroom was a pirate queen with a treacherous plan – to save herself from execution by identifying an infamous privateer attending the ball in disguise. Only Maureen Hawthorne could expose the double love of Julien d’Artiers, the toast of the ton. After all, she was his wife .. But he caught her heart unawares .. Julien was stunned when he beheld the love of his life, the wife he’d presumed dead. But here she was, her turquoise eyes blazing across a crowded ballroom, a woman determined to bring about his complete ruin. She blamed him for her father’s death, swore to see him hang. But he took her into his arms and made her dance, tormenting her with memories of the passion they’d once shared, determined to make her love him again… willing to do anything to hero her from losing again.

This is such a good book. I think Elizabeth Boyle is becoming one of my favourite authors. She writes an engaging, well written book that makes you want to know more. I loved reading about Julian and Maureen, they are amazing characters and are really well thought out. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The Trouble With Honor by Julia London

Desperate times call cut daring measures as Honor Cabot, the eldest stepdaughter of the wealthy Earl of Beckington, awaits her family’s ruin. Upon the earl’s death she and her sisters stand to lose the luxury of their grand home- and their place in the pedestal of society- to their stepbrother and his social climbing fiancée. Forced to act quickly, Honor makes a devil’s bargain with the only rouge in London who can seduce her stepbrother’s fiancée out of the Cabots’ lives for good. An illegitimate son of a Duke, George Easton was born of scandal and grows his fortune through dangerous risks. But now he and Honor are dabbling in a perilous dance of seduction that puts her reputation and his jaded heart on the line. And as unexpected desire threatens to change the rules of their secret game, the stakes may become too high even for a notorious gambler and a determined, free spirited debutante to handle.

I love this book. It is so good, well written and has brilliant characters. Julia London is an amazing writer and one of my favourites. She really has a way of sucking you into the story. I love everything about this book, the story, the characters everything. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Brazen Heiress by Elizabeth Boyle

Napoleon luster for her fortune while Paris swooned at her feet. Adelaide de Cheveonary, claimant to the de Chevonary fortune, captivated jaded Parisians with her fresh beauty and mysterious past. No one suspected that the newly returned heiress was really Lily D’Arteiers Copeland, Adelaide’s dashing double, sent by the British government to retrieve a cache of priceless journals. At her side was the aristocratic adventurer who had led her into spying, a man she’d spent her whole life trying to love. Bold dashing Webb Dryden remembered the reckless hoyden who’d pursued him as a child. But this Lily, transformed into a woman who stole his breath away-seemed frustratingly indifferent to his charms. Posing as her finance, Webb planned to work undercover, but Lily’s brazen ways commanded the attention of Napoleon’s intrigue filled court. Suddenly Lily was more than Webb bargained for, a beauty who touched his heart and haunted his dreams, inciting passions that imperiled their very lives.

This is such a good book. Elizabeth Boyle really knows how to suck you into the story. There are amazing characters and a great storyline. I loved reading about Lily and Webb. It is an associative book and one that is worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Susannah’s Garden by Debbie Macomber

When Susannah Nelson turned eighteen, she said goodbye to her boyfriend, Jake-and never saw him again. She never saw her brother, Doug, again, either. He died unexpectedly that same year. Now, at fifty, Susannah finds herself regretting the paths not taken. Long married, a mother and teacher, she should be happy. But she feels there’s something missing in her life. Not only that, she’s balancing the demands of an aging mother and a temperamental twenty year old daughter. Her mother, Vivian, a recent widow, is having difficulty coping and living alone, so Susannah goes home to Colville, Washington. In returning to her parents’ house, her girlhood friends and the garden she’s always loved, she also returns to the past- and the choices she made back then. What she discovers is that things are not always as they once seemed. Some paths are dead ends. But some gardens remain beautiful…

I so enjoyed this book. My only complaint is that Chrissie was such a spoilt little brat. She’s an 20 year old woman but was acting like she was so much younger. She did grow by the end of the book, but you kinda wanted to slap her. Having said that, it is an excellent book, one that was well written and a brilliant storyline. I loved every second of it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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