Monthly Archives: May 2018

The Untamed Bride by Stephanie Laurens

Four officers of the the Crown, fighting against a deadly foe known only as Black Cobra. He is a man who has faced peril without flinching, determined to fight for king and country. She is bold, beautiful woman with a scandalous past, destined to become an untamed bride. Together they must vanquish the ruthless enemy, while confronting the dangers of the heart…

I love this book. Stephanie Laurens is one of my favourite authors and I love reading her books. She has a wonderful way of writing and her characters are amazing. This is up to her usual standard and I throughly enjoyed it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The Cad by Edith Layton

Bridget Cooke possesses the gifts London society prizes: genteel manners, intelligence, an exquisite figure. She lacks, however, a fortune. A companion to icy relatives, Bridget resigns herself to a life of solitude, especially because of the childhood scar that mars her lovely face. Little does she expect to receive the vigorous attentions of darkly handsome, rich widower Lord Ewan Sinclair, Regency England’s most infamous rake. In a matter of days, Sinclair whisks Bridget to the altar and into his passionate embrace. Dismissing the vicious rumors surrounding their hasty marriage, Bridget is sure of Ewen’s love, even when he is mysteriously called away. But then a shocking secret from his past emerges, threatening her happiness. If Ewen is a cad and their wedding a lie, as the gossips say, then why does Bridget’s very stubborn heart believe his love is true?

This is an … odd book. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed reading it. But, first off, one of the reasons that they hastily marriage was coz of his father and then nothing happens. Secondly, the time they spent apart seemed like a long time. And lastly, they are unusual characters. Bridget seems unusually naive and Ewen seems like he’s both not that into Bridget as he does not introduce her to his friends and family and really into her. But that could just be me. Having said that, I really enjoyed it. It is well written and I liked falling into the story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Ninja: The Battle by Benedict Jacka

Allandra and Ignis have been living in Rokkaku, a secret training school for ninjas for two years. Now they’ve been assigned a secret mission in London – which will take them back into the path of their drug baron father. A surprise visit from their brother, Micheal, convinces Allandra he’s changed, but Ignis isn’t so sure. So when Micheal arrives at Rokkaku, seeking a family reunion, Ignis is suspicious. Could Micheal still be working for their father? Allandra doesn’t know what to think- but by welcoming Micheal to Rokkaku, will she be bringing danger right to the heart of the ninja school?

So this is the last book in this series. And it is oh so good. It wraps a lot of things up. My only compliant is that I kinda wish there was more. I so enjoyed reading. Allandra and Ignis are great characters and I loved falling into his world. It is an excellent book and I loved it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Ninja: The Beginning by Benedict Jacka

Ignis and Allandra are on the run. Escaping from the clutches of their drug baron father, they have managed t find sanctuary deep in the forest, while Allandra’s twin, Micheal, has been recaptured. Their new home: Rokkaku, a secret training school for ninjas. For the rebellious Ignis, stumbling upon the hidden school is the last thing he wants- replacing one set of rules and regulations with another. For Allandra, it offers the perfect hiding place, and a chance to make true friends at last. But each day is a struggle: avoiding discovery, bowing to school rules, dealing with bullies and undergoing tough ninjitsu training. Finally Allandra can wait no longer, and sets off alone to rescue her twin- but can she save Micheal, without sacrificing herself?

I adore this book. It is well written, funny when it needs to be and serious in others. Benedict Jacka is an amazing writer and I love falling into his world. There is so much in it: action, adventure and ninjas. I mean come on, what’s not to love. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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For the Love of a Pirate by Edith Layton

A proper gentleman, Constantine, Lord Wylde, proposes to a similarly proper young woman. It’s a practical proposal that pleases both parties… Until the night Constantine finds an old pistol packing pirate waiting for him at home. The old man claims that Constantine was promised at birth to his granddaughter. Constantine travels to Cornwall to unearth the truth and, once there, discovers the family fortune is the shameful result of piracy and highway robbery. And he meets the young woman his father promised him to at birth. Lisabeth is beautiful and well educated, but because of her unusual upbringing, she’s unaware of the proper behavior of young ladies in the ton. As she has always been enamored by stories of Constantine’s swashbuckling ancestors, she’s half inclined to fall in love with him too, but she finds them nothing like them! He’s too staid, and he finds her too Original.. until they fall into each other’s arms and realize that they may have been meant for each other after all.

This is an excellent book. I love reading Edith Layton’s books. They are well written, with amazing characters and it’s just a great story. I love Constantine and Lisabeth, and their story. Layton creates a world that you can’t help but fall in love with. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Favourite Fantasy

Get your mind out of the gutter.

I don’t mean that kind of fantasy. If you asked me if I was more into sci fi or fantasy books, I’d say fantasy.

I prefer the world building that comes with fantasy.

They also have dragons and magic and stuff, which I think is really cool.

So some of my favourite fantasy include:

1) anything by David Eddings

2) The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

3) The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

4) The Tale of Sir Benfro by James Oswald

5) the Nightrunner series by Lynn FLewlling

6) The Greatcoats by Sebastian de Castell

7) Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

8) Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

9) The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan

10) The Study Trilogy by Maria V. Snyder

I’m sure there are loads more that I’m missing. What about you guys do you have any favourites? Let me know in the comments.

Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder

The apprenticeship is over- now the real test has begun. When word that Yelena is a Soulfinder- able to capture and release souls- spreads like wildfire, people grow uneasy. Already Yelena’s unusual abilities and past have set her apart. As the Council Yelena’s fate, she receives a disturbing message: a plot is rising against her homeland, led by a murderous sorcerer she has defeated before.. Honor sets Yelena on a path that will test the limits of her skills, and the hope of reuniting with her beloved spurs her onward. Her journey is fraught with allies, enemies, lovers and would be assassins, each of questionable loyalty. Yelena will have but one chance to prove herself- and save the land she holds dear.

This is the final book in the Study series. It really wraps everything up quite well. Maria V. Snyder is an amazing writer and I loved falling into this world. It is well written with great characters that you can’t help but fall in love with. This is one of my favourite series. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Still Me by Jojo Moyes

Louisa Clark arrives in New York ready to start a new life, confident that she can embrace this new adventure and keep her relationship with Ambulance Sam alive across several thousand miles. She is hurled into the world if the super rich Gopniks: Leonard and his much younger second wife, Agnes, and a never ending array of household staff and hangers on. Lou is determined to get the most out of the experience and throws herself into her job and New York life within this privileged world. Before she knows what’s happening, Lou is mixing in New York high society, where she meets Joshua Ryan, a man who brings with him a whisper of her past. As Lou tries to keep the two sides of her world together, she finds herself carrying secrets- not all her own- that cause a catastrophic change in her circumstances. And when matters come to a head, she has to ask herself: Who is Louisa Clark? And how do you reconcile a heart that lives in two places?

So this is the third book in the Me Before You series (the second one is called After You, which I have reviewed). And it is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. Lou finally has her mojo back. It is also kinda funny too. Like I was on the bus, giggling. It’s amazing. If you haven’t read this book, read it. I fell in love with it, completely. I also want to give Lou a really big hug and be one of her friends. I cannot say enough good things about it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Study Magic by Maria V. Snyder

With her greatest enemy dead, and on her way to be reunited with the family she’d been stolen from long ago, Yelena should be pleased. But though she has gained her freedom, she can’t help feeling isolated in Sitia. Her Ixian background has changed her in many ways- and her newfound friends and relatives don’t think it’s for the better… Despite the turmoil, she’s eager to start her magic training – especially as she’s been given one year to harness her power or be put to death. But her plans take a radical turn when she becomes involved with a plot to reclaim Ixia’s throne for a lost prince – and gets entangled in powerful rivalries with her fellow magicians. If that wasn’t bad enough, it appears her brother would love to see her dead. Luckily, Yelena has some old friends to help her with all her new enemies…

This is the second book in a series. The first one is called Poison Study. This is an excellent book. Maria V. Snyder is an excellent writer and I love falling into her world. Yelena is a great character and one of my favourites. This is an amazing story and I loved reading it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Louisa Clark is an ordinary young woman living an exceedingly ordinary life- steady boyfriend, close family- who has never been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life- big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel- and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is. Will is acerbic, moody, bossy- but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.

This is one of those books that I think everyone should read. It is a bit controversial as well, because it makes it seems like having a disability is a bad thing. It is important to have books like this to talk about it. I thought it was done in a thoughtful and well written way. I loved reading it. It also broke my heart a little. I cannot recommend it enough. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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