Monthly Archives: January 2019

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

For Alina, time is running out. To destroy the Darkling, she needs to find the elusive firebird, and she needs to find it soon. The Darkling’s power is growing. And so is his connection to Alina. Can Alina escape the hold he has over her? Does she want to? Mal is the one person Alina can rely on in an increasingly uncertain world. But could giving into the bond between them be the most dangerous decision of all?

So this is the final book in the Grisha trilogy and I have to say I enjoyed it. It is well written and interesting. Leigh Bardugo wraps everything up quite well. I really enjoyed the story. It’s a really good story that really sucks you in. The characters are interesting and you really want to know what happens to them. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Things I Want You to Know by Martina Reilly

When a tragic accident tore his life apart, Nick Deegan left his beautiful wife Kate abc their two young children- always thinking that someday he would return to them. Now, 2 years later, Kate has passed away after an illness and Nick moves back to raise Emma and little Liam without her. On the day of Kate’s funeral, Nick discovers a book she left for him containing things she wanted him to know. But alongside the dos and don’t sit raising their children are details of five dates, with five very different women, Kate has arranged for Nick in the months ahead. As Nick navigates his way through the book and tries to cope with everyday life in Kate’s absence, he slowly realizes that it’s not romance Kate wanted him to find, but something far more important. Will Nick find the courage to take a second chance?

I absolutely love this book. Martina Reilly has this amazing way of looking at the world and it really shows in this book. It is engaging, thoughtful and it really makes you think. It shows how important mental health is for both men and women and how it can affect how you interact with the world around you. It is a wonderful book that I think everyone should read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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So it came to my attention recently I have been a member of the library for a year now.

I hadn’t realized it had gone by so quickly.

I have gotten some good books from the library. I’ve also gotten books that I either never finished or never got round to reading.

Either way, being a member has been great.

One of the benefits of being a library member is, apart from borrowing some great books, is the book clubs. I am a member of two, the sci fi and the classic bookclub.

The sci fi book club especially is handy. For me at least. I realized recently that when it comes to my reading, I tend to go fantasy books. I have a tendency to watch sci fi than to read it. So this particular book club is handy for me, as I am able to expand my reading.

The classic book club is a new one. So far I am enjoying the books that have given.

Other useful things about being a library member is BorrowBox. This is the library version of the kindle. It is very handy. It works very like the kindle only difference is you have to give it back.

There are also a bunch of talks that the libraries host. Be it about learning to eat healthy, setting new goals or encouraging your kids to read. It would be a great way to help you learn new things.

Either way, being part of a library is great way to borrow books, meet new people and learn.

If you aren’t part of a library, I would highly encourage you to do so. If you are, what are your favourite part of being a library member?

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Alina thought she could run from her past and escape her destiny. She can’t. Mail hoped he’d done enough to protect the girl he loved. He hadn’t. The Darkling, more powerful than before, is hungry for revenge. He needs Alina. Soon Alina must choose between her country, her power and the man she loves- or risk losing everything to the incoming storm.

I so enjoyed the second installment of this trilogy. It a little better than the first one. There are some great new characters. I really enjoyed it. It is so easy to read. It is also a good introduction to fantasy. I also like the way Leigh Bardugo introduces the book and ends it. It is kinda unusual. In a good way. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Minx by Julia Quinn

Henrietta Barrett has never followed the dictates of society. She manages her elderly guardian’s remote Cornwall estate, wears breeches instead of frocks, and answers to the unlikely name of Henry. But when her guardian passes away, her beloved home falls into the hands of a distant cousin… William Dunford, London’s most elusive bachelor, is stunned to learn that he’s inherited property, a title .. and a ward bent on making his first visit his last. Henry is determined to continue running Stannage Park without help from the handsome new lord, but Dunford is just as sure he can change things… starting with his wild young ward. But turning Henry into a lady makes her not only the darling of the ton, but an irresistible attraction to the man who thought he could never be tempted.

I so enjoyed reading this book. Julia Quinn is an amazing writer and I love reading anything by her. She has this great way of writing and getting you to fall in love with the characters. Henry and Dunford are great. Henry, especially, is spunky and resourceful. Dunford is perfect for her. I really enjoyed reading this. It’s so easy to read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The House on Bellevue Gardens by Rachel Hore

Bellevue Gardens is a tranquil London square, tucked away behind a bust street. You might pass it without knowing it’s there. Here, through the imposing front door of Number 11, is a place of peace, of sanctuary and of secrets. It is home to Leonie; once a model in the 60s, she came to the house to escape a destructive marriage and now, out of gratitude, she opens her house to others in need. Rosa, Stef and Rick are running from their own problems. They have all found their way to Leonie’s home, each seeking refuge and searching for a new start. But then Leonie discovers that the house which has provided sanctuary for so many is under threat. Can she rescue the place that saved her all those years ago?

Rachel Hore is so very annoying. She created this amazing book, with characters that you can’t help but fall in love and then she doesn’t provide any answers. For example, she doesn’t explain what happens to the house. I want to know what happens damnit. I also thought that the story was a bit slow. Having said that, I did enjoy it. Hore is a good writer and I really enjoyed reading this. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Book Depository




One of the things that I got for Christmas was tickets to see a show in the Bord Gias Theatre. The show that I choose was Macbeth.

And boy was it AMAZING.

The actors were so good, the set was incredible. The entire production was just incredible and so worth watching.

You were definitely hooked from the moment it opened.

It was done with the vast majority of the cast wearing army gear, or camouflage. The only exception being royalty. Who wore red. It was such a starch contrast.

The only disappointment was that they didn’t do the scene with ‘Double, double toil and trouble’ but apart from that it was so good. I honestly loved every second of it. And I would happily see it again. It is one of those plays that I have wanted to see for years but never got round to watching.

Unfortunately, tonight was the last night you could see it, otherwise I would encourage you to see it.

It’s strange, though. Coz plays aren’t one I would normally read. Mainly because they weren’t made to be written. They were made to be seen. Each production brings so much to the play to life. It is one of the few written forms that I would greatly encourage you to see rather than watch.

Having said that, Macbeth is a classic and is worth both reading and seeing.

If you ever get a chance to watch it, I would definitely recommend it.

Let me know what you think of it in the comments.

The Baron Next Door by Erin

Charity Effington’s first betrothal taught her two things: 1) when one loses the attention of an Earl, one gains the attention of every gossip in London 2) despite the scandal, she’s not prepared to marry for anything less than love. After a Season spent at the mercy of the whispering Ton, Bath’s first festival offers Charity the perfect escape: freedom to play the pianoforte to her heart’s content. That is, until her insufferably rude, though undeniably handsome, neighbour tells her to keep the ‘infernal racket’ to a minimum. Hugh Danby, Baron Cadgwith, is in Bath to heal hidden wounds, both mental and physical. He may think he’s finally put an end to the noise next door, but he has no idea what he’s begun. The more he discovers about Charity, the more he finds her bothersome, vexing and … inexplicably enchanting. Before long, Hugh suspects that even if his body heals, it’s his heart that might end up broken.

I so enjoyed this book. I did have one of two issues with it, however. For example, Charity is huge music lover. But when Hugh asks her to stop playing, she gets a bit bull headed and doesn’t stop to ask why. She doesn’t seem to clue in as why he is in Bath despite seeing some of the symptoms of Hugh being sick (ie dark circles under his eyes etc). There is also very little depth to the characters. Having said that, I did enjoy the story. I also thought it was well written. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Book Depository


Dancing at Midnight by Julia Quinn

Lady Arabella Blydon has beauty and brains, and she’s tired of men who can see only one without the other. When a suitor tells Arabella he’s wiling to overlook her appalling bluestocking tendencies on account of her looks and fortune, she decides to take a break from the Marriage Mart. During an extended stay in the country, she never expects to meet Lord John Blackwood, a wounded war hero who intrigues her like no other man. Lord John has lived through the worst horrors of war… but nothing could have been as terrifying to his tormented heart as Lady Arabella. She is intoxicating, infuriating… and she makes him want to live again. Suddenly he’s writing bad poetry and climbing trees in the pitch dark night … just so he can dance with her as the clock strikes midnight. And even though he knows he can never be the sort of man she deserves, he can’t help wanting her. But when the harsh light of day replaces the magic of midnight, can this tormented soul learn to love again?

This is another excellent book by Julia Quinn. It is so easy to read and the characters are flawed, but you can’t help but fall in love with them. I really enjoyed reading this book. It would be perfect for either going on holiday or sitting in front of the fire. It is a bit dark in places but it made for an enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Book Depository



Wool by Hugh Howe’s

In a ruined and hostile landscape, in a future few have been unlucky enough to survive, a community exists in a giant underground silo. Inside, men and women live an enclosed life full of rules and regulations. But some people choose not to conform. These are the people who dare to hope and dream. These are the dangerous ones. Jules is one of these people. She may well be the last.

This is a really interesting book. The name is a little misleading and it is very slow in parts. Apart from that, it is good. Hugh Howey is a good writer and he has this really slow, but eventual built that makes you want to know more. The characters are well developed and multi dimensional. It really added to the story. The only thing is Jules only comes into the story about a third of the book. Turns out it was supposed to be a novella and was then fleshed out. Also it does seem a bit strange that everyone made the mental adjustment to following the rules to going into a war. I mean they 2 sheriffs for like 30 floors. I say all this knowing I did enjoy the book. It is an enjoyable read and one that is worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Book Depository
