Monthly Archives: September 2018



We bookworms can be a picky lot.

For example, when it comes to my copy of a book, if I buy the first copy in hardback and it is in a series, I will buy the rest of the series in hardback.

Mostly because I think it looks better on my bookshelf.

Mind you I don’t buy hardback books all that often. I find that they are bulky and very expensive. But that one of my own #bookwormproblems.

Another is that the book is usually better. With the odd exception, (the Help is one of the few that is just as good as the book).

Very often when it comes to books being turned into a movie, it would be nice if it was a few hours longer than a 2 hour movie. Mostly because they keep taking things away from the book.

Also book marks.

There are people who use book marks and then are monsters.

Anything can be a book mark but there are some really pretty ones out there.

That’s all I can think of.

Do you have any #bookwormproblems that I should know about? Let me know in the comments.

Letter From Chicago by Cathy Kelly

Elise and Maisie are sisters. One lives in Ireland, the other in America. When a letter arrives from Chicago saying that Maisie’s granddaughter is coming over to stay with her Irish family, Elsie must face the truth about what she has told Maisie.

This was a really good book. It was a short one, but it was good. It’s also an interesting one. It’s amazing the little white lies we tell others to show off. I do have to admit I was disappointed that the story was so short but it had a feel good ending, which kinda makes up for it. I do wish it was longer but it was good. It would be great if you wanted something quick to read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Book Depository



Do You Remember The First Time? Jenny Colgan

Life doesn’t have a rewind button. Ever wished it did? Flora’s wish is about to come true. As her best friend Tashy cuts into her wedding cake, 32 year old Flora realizes she is disillusioned with life. Suddenly, her well paid job, cost flat and stable relationship with sensible Olly don’t amount to a whole lot. Flora wants to be 16 again. She closes her eyes and wishes. Her wish has come true. Waking up the next morning is a shock. But now Flora has the chance to right some wrongs. Trading crows feet for pimples, love handled for a torso Britney Spears would kill for and dull dinner parties for house parties where White Lighting and snogging are the order of the day, Flora rebels in a life where things are far less complicated and just much more … FUN. It’s not all laughs though. Will what she does change the future? How can she get back to the present and her ordinary life? And does she want to?

This is not my favourite Jenny Colgan book. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good book. But it’s a little dated. And a bit strange in parts. Flora is also a bit .. unobservant. There is are also a few huh? moments, but having said that it is a fun book. It’s one of those books where its a bit of fluff in between more serious books. I would recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Tau Zero by Poul Anderson

This follows the crew of the starship Leonora Christine, a colonization vessel crewed by 25 men and 25 women aiming to reach the nearby star Beta Virgins. The ship is powered by a Bussard ramjet. This engine is not capable of faster than light travel, and so the voyage is subject to relatively and time dilation: the crew will spend 5 years on board, but 33 years will pass on the Earth before they arrive at a modest constant rate for most of the first half of the journey, eventually achieving an appreciable percentage of the speed light, and the goal is to decelerate at the same rate during the second half of the journey by rotating the ship 180o about its trajectory and continuing to fire the Bussard ramjet. However, the Leonora Christine passes through a small nebula before the half way point, damaging the Bussard ram scoops which were to have been the deceleration module. Since the Bussard engines must be kept running to provide particle/radiation shielding, and because of the hard radiation produced by the engines, the crew can neither repair the damage nor turn off their ramjet.

This was such a interesting book. I love the idea behind it and how it was written. One of the things that I liked about it is that the ship is included as one of the characters. It’s a rare move and an enjoyable one. I enjoyed the complex character of Charles Reymont. Here he is the ship constable and he becomes the bastard of the ship, because he knows that someone has to become the bad to keep the morale of the ship when times go bad. I do admit that the science went over my head a little bit but it was still an enjoyable book. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

Links to book:


Book Depository



Favourite Genres

I recently realized that I don’t think I have mentioned what genre’s of books I like.

I may have, but I will talk about it today.

I have to admit most of I go for is fantasy, with a bit of YA, 9+, romance, biography mixed in.

I think I have said this before but I find that as I am getting older I am reading more biographies. I think I find I am getting more interested in people and I like hearing about them.

The rest.. well I like the escapism. It’s also a good way to see things in a different way.

That’s one of the things that I like about reading. No matter what book, be it fiction or non fiction, they are a great way to see people, places things in a different way.

If there is a genre that you can’t live without let us know. I would love to hear from you.

A New Model: What Confidence, Beauty and Power really Look Like by Ashley Graham

Voluptuous beauty Ashley Graham has been modeling professionally since the age of 13. Discovered at a shopping mall in her native Nebraska, her stunning face and sexy curves have graced the covers of top magazines, including Cosmopolitan and Elle, and she was the first plus sized model to appear on the front of the widely popular Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The face of H&M Studio, she is also a judge for America’s Next Top Model. And that’s only the beginning for this extraordinary talent. Ashley is on the leading edge of a new generation of women breaking ground and demolishing stereotypes, transforming our ideals about body image and what is fashionable. A woman who proves that when it comes to beauty, size is just a number, she is the voice for the body positivity movement today and a role model for all women- no matter their individual body type, shape or weight. In this collection of insightful essays illustrated with a dozen photos, Ashley shares her perspective on how ideas around body image are evolving – and how they aren’t ; the fun -and torture- of a career in the fashion world; her life before modeling; and her path to accepting her size without limiting her dreams- defying rigid industry standards ab naysayers who told her it couldn’t be done. As she talks about her successes and setbacks, Ashley offers support for every woman coming to terms with who she is, helps hey bolster her self confidence and motives her to be her strongest, healthiest abs most beautiful self.

I really enjoyed this book. It is so good, well written and insightful. I really admire Ashley Graham. She comes across as down to earth and easy to talk to. She also talks about how even models have bad days and, how tough the modeling industry is, even for those who have been in it for a while. One of the things that I like about it is that Graham talks a lot about loving what you have and showing it off. She also talks about her own insecurities and how, even though they are still there, she tries to overcome them. I loved it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

Links to book:


Book Depository



The Pearl Sister by Lucinda Reiley

CeCe D’Apliese has always felt like she never fitted in anywhere. Following the death of her father, the elusive billionaire Pa Salt-so called by the six daughters he adopted across the globe and named after the Seven Sisters Star cluster – she finds herself at breaking point. Dropping out of art college, CeCe watches as Star, her beloved sister, distances herself to follow her new love, leaving her completely alone. In desperation, she flees England and discover her past, the only clues she has are a black and white photograph and the name of a woman pioneer in Australia over one hundred years ago. En route, she escapes to the one place she has ever felt close to being herself: the stunning beaches of Krabi, Thailand. There amongst the backpackers, she meets the mysterious Ace, a man as lonely as she, and whom she subsequently realizes has a secret to hide…

I’m seriously falling in love with this series. It is extremely well written, thoughtful and they never go in the direction you would think. I love it. This one involves CeCe and while in the other books, she seems to have a hard exterior, you quickly realize that it hides a big heart. She is a great character and I love how she fits into the story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

Links to book:


Book Depository



What’s a Girl Gotta Do? by Holly Bourne

HOW TO START A FEMINIST REVOLUTION: 1. Call out anything that is unfair in one gender. 2. Don’t call out the same thing twice (so you can sleep and breathe) 3. Always ty to keep it funny 4. Don’t let anything slide. Even when you start to break. Lottie is determined to change the world with her #Vagilagte blog. Shame the trolls have other ideas.

So this the last book in the Spinster Club trilogy and it’s so good. Holly Bourne is an amazing writer and she makes being a young feminist so .. I want to say real but I’m not sure that is the right word. I guess she does it in such a way that you can picture it happening, including the fallout. I also love the way she writes. It’s a really good series and I love reading both the series and the book. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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Least Favourite Characters

So from last week I thought I would talk about my least favourite characters.

To be honest I don’t really have very many. I don’t know what it is but the characters I read about are generally ok.

I can only really think of two.

1. Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter.

2. Nathan Price from the Posionwood Bible.

Yes, I don’t think the villain of Harry Potter (who Lord Voldemort or He Who Must Not Be Named) is as bad as Professor Umbridge. I think Umbridge abuses her power both in the Ministry and in Hogwarts. She has certain prejudices which make her unsuitable to be a both a teacher and to work for the public.

With Nathan Price from the Posionwood Bible, he was a missionary from the 60s who went to the Congo to preach. This was around the time that the Congo became a republic. He didn’t leave. Despite being told it was dangerous. And despite the fact that he had KIDS. I mean come on. He could have done God’s work somewhere else. (Please note I’m not into missionary work, if you are fair enough, it just so happens I’m not). He also didn’t believe in a 3rd level education for girls. He’s the main reason I stopped reading it because he annoyed me so much.

They are the main ones that I can think of at the min. I know I will probably think of loads later, but there you have it.

Let me know what you think of in the comments.

How Hard Can Love Be? By Holly Bourne

All Amber wants is a little bit of love. Her mum has never the caring type, even before she moved to California, remarried and had a personality transplant. But Amber is hoping that spending the summer with will change all that. And then there’s prom king Kyle, the guy all the girls want. Can he be really interested in anti cheerleader Amber? Even with best friends Evie and Lottie’s advice, there’s no escaping: love is hard.

So this is the second book in the Spinister Club Trilogy. And I loved it. It is so interesting, well written and to be honest, I would have loved to have them as friends when I was younger. Hell I’d love to hang around them now. Amber is so interesting and I love the interactions between her, and everyone around. Especially how she handles the relationship between her and her mother. I won’t post any spoilers, but it’s hard to know what in any age or situation and I love how Holly Bourne deals with it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

Links to book:


Book Depository

