Monthly Archives: October 2017

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

This tells the story of Victor Frankenstein and the monster that he created. 

So a bit of a small summery, I know, especially for a book that literally is the first science fiction ever. Or at least I think it is. To be honest, I was a little disappointed with it. I kinda felt that Frankenstein is the biggest complainer on the planet. I mean he creates this being and then freaks out completely about it. Don’t get me wrong, despite all the complaing it is a well written book and the characters are interesting. One of the few things that I like about it, is that it is in some ways a reflection on human psychology. And how revenge is never a good thing. I do think it’s worth reading. I did enjoy it, albeit a little reluctantly. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Eldest by Christopher Paolini

Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have just saved the rebel state from destruction by the mighty forces of King Galbatorix, cruel ruler of the Empire. Now Eragon must travel to Ellesmera, land of the elves, for further training in the skills of the Dragon Rider. 

This is a brilliant edition to the series. It really expands on the story that Christopher Paolini introduces us to. I love everything about it. My only complaint is that it is a bit slow in the beginning but once you get into it, you really want to know what happens. The story is amazing as are the characters. It is such an enjoyable book. I would definitely recommend and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Eragon and the fledging dragon must navigate the danergous terrain and dark enemies of an empire ruled by a king whose evil knows no bounds. Can Eragon take up the mantle of the legendary Dragon Riders? When Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest, he thinks it is the lucky discovery of a poor farm boy; perhaps it will buy his family meat for the winter. But when the stone brings a dragon hatchling, Eragon realizes he stumbles upon a perilous new world of destiny nearly as old as the Empire itself. Overnight his simple life is shattered and he is thrust into a perilous new world of destiny, magic and  power. 

This is such a good book. I love everything about it: the story, characters, I mean there are dragons involved, you really can’t go wrong with that. There was a movie out a few years ago but it’s not that great. Obviously the book is so much better. But Eragon is an amazing character and so is Saphira. She is one of my favorite characters. It is so worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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So it’s Halloween on Tuesday so I thought it would be nice to recommend some holloween type books. 

I think I may have mentioned this before but I’m not a huge horror fan but I know of a few books that might be for a holloween read. 

There are two that are the most obvious and they would be Dracula by Bram Stroker and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Another one that would be good would be anything by Stephen King. I haven’t read many of his books but he is good at what he does.  H. P. Lovecraft is another good recommendation for holloween. I (still, but hope to one day) haven’t read anything by him but from what I understand he would be a good one to go to. 

Have you ever heard of the movie Practical Magic? Well I just found out it is a book by Alice Hoffman. I loved the movie as a kid so I’d say it would be a good read. 

That’s all I can think of at the min. I’m sure there’s loads I’m missing. If you can think of anything let me know. 

The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman

Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead them lies the greatest war that has ever been – and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned…

This is an amazing conclusion to His Dark Materials. Philip Pullman really wraps everything quite nicely. I really enjoyed reading it. And Lyra’s part in it breaks my heart. Having said that, I loved it. It is brilliantly written and the characters are well thought out. I would defiantly recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

Lost in a new world, Lyra finds Will – a boy on the run, a murderer- a worthy and welcome ally. For this is a world where soul eating Specters stalk the streets and witches share the skies with troops of angels. Each is searching – Lyra for the meaning of Dark Matter, Will for his missing father- but what they find instead is a deadly secret, a knife of untold power. And neither Lyra nor Will suspects how tightly their lives, their loves and their destines are bound together… until they are split apart. 

This is an excellent edition to the trilogy. It really expands on the world that Philip Pullman introduced us to in Northern Lights. I loved everything about it. It’s such a good story, the characters are amazing and it’s a great addition to the trilogy. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

When Lyra’s friend Roger disappears, she and her daemon, Pantalaimon, are determined to find him. The ensuing quest leads them to the bleak splendour of the North, where armoured bears rule the ice and witch queens fly through the frozen skies- and where a team of scientists are conducting experiments too horrible to be spoken about. Lyra overcomes these strange terrors, only to find something yet more perilous waiting for her – something with consequences which may even reach beyond the Northern Lights…

In my opinion, this is one of those books that everyone should read. It is well written, thoughtful with a brilliant story. I love Lyra and her story. It is such so interesting and I love the idea behind it. Every human has a daemon which is their soul, I’d love to know what mine is. Either way I love this book and it is worth reading.  I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

Bill Hodges, retired cop, tormented by ‘the Mercedes massacre’, a case he never solved. Brady Hartsfield, perpetrator of that notorious crime, and preparing to kill again. Now each is closing in on the other in a mega stakes race against time. 

I have to admit I’m not a huge Stephen King fan nor am I a horror/thriller fan, but I really enjoyed reading this. I was even creeped out in parts. One of the things I liked about it was it put you in the mind of a killer. And he gets crazier as the book progresses. It’s an interesting look on the human psyche and Stephen King does it really well. It’s a really good book with brilliant and well thought out characters and an amazing storyline. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

Links to book:–stephen-king–9781444788648

Magyk by Angie Sage

The seventh son of the seventh son, aptly named Septimus Heap, is stolen the night he is born by a midwife who pronounces him dead. That same night, the baby’s father, Silas Heap, comes across a bundle in the snow containing a newborn girl with violet eyes. The Heaps take this helpless newborn into their home, name her Jenna, and raise her as their own. But who is this mysterious baby girl, and what really happened to their beloved son, Septimus?

I so enjoyed reading this book. It is interesting, well written and a brilliant story. Angie Sage is an amazing writer and I loved falling into her world. My only campalit with it is that there was very little emotional depth to it. Apart from that, it is enjoyable and easy to read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Midnight Flight by V. C. Andrews 

They lived on the wild side. Now these bad girls are paying the price. At Dr. Foreman’s School for Girls, the ‘students’ live in barns, work on a farm in blazing heat and are subjected to ruthless guards who watch their every move. It’s an institution run by the dreadful Dr. Foreman, a woman who delights in administering the worst form of punishment: the mysterious Ice Room where the girls face their darkest fears. Now Phoebe, Robin and Teal three girls from different worlds, are the newcomers in this dessert hell. During their stay, each girl will be tempted to commit the ultimate betrayal as Dr. Foreman cleverly tries to turn them against each other, until they learn the only way to survive is to stick together… and fight back. 

One of the things that I like about this book is that it makes you think about troubled teens and what those around them have the power to do. Which is a shame really. This is such a good book and really well written. V. C. Andrews is an amazing writer and she really gets you to think with her work. I love reading about Phoebe, Robin and Teal and their story is an important one. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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