Monthly Archives: September 2017

My Ruthless Prince by Galen Foley 

His brother warriors fear the Earl of Westwood has turned traitor, but Emily Harper knows this is impossible for the man she has loved since childhood …as impossible as a marriage between them could ever be – she, the gamekeeper’s daughter and he a bold adventurous nobleman. Driven by hatred and vengeance, Westwood is playing a deadly game of deception, bent on destroying the enemy’s dark conspiracy from the inside, and he’s furious when Emily plunges into danger for his sake. Forced into close quarters, their long suppressed desire explodes into all consuming passion. Emily knows her love can save him .. but Westwood is a man who doesn’t want to be saved. 

This is such a good book. It’s so well written and engaging. Galen Foley is an amazing writer and one of my favourites. I love everything about it, the characters, the story everything. It is definitely worth reading. Westwood and Emily are amazing characters and I love reading about them. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.

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The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Workaholic attorney Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable. She’s made a mistake so huge, it’ll wreck any chance of a partnership. Going into utter meltdown, she walks out of her London office, gets on a train and ends up in the middle of nowhere. Asking for directions at a big,  beautiful house, she’s mistaken for an interviewee and finds herself being offered a job as a housekeeper. Her employers have no idea that they’ve hired a lawyer- and Samantha has no idea how to work the oven. She can’t sew a button, bake a potato, or get the *^# ironing board to open. How she takes a deep breath and begins to cope – and finds love- is a story as delicious as the bread she learns to bake. But will her old life catch up with her? And if it does …will she want it back?

I absolutely love this book. Sophie Kinsella is an amazing writer and one that is worth reading. I love everything about this book. It’s funny, engaging and the characters are brilliant. This is the first book I read by Kinsella and as such is one of my favourites. It is perfect for when you are sitting in front of the fire with a hot chocolate or tea. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Imager by L. E. Modesitt, Jr 

Although Rhennthyl is the son of a leading wool merchant, he has spent years becoming a journey painter. With his skill and diligence, Rhenn stands to be considered for the status of master artisan. Then his entire life is transformed when his master patron is killed in a flash fire, and Rhenn discovers he is an imager- one of the few in the entire world who can visualise things and make them real. He must leave his family and joint the Collegium of Imagise. Imagers live separately from the rest of society because of their abilities (they can do accidental magic even while asleep) and because they are both feared and vulnerable. In this new life, Rhem discovers that all too many of the ‘truths’ he knew were nothing of the sort. Every day brings a new threat to his life. 

I so enjoyed reading this. L. E. Modesitt is an amazing writer. My only complaint is that while Modesitt is building this incredible world, there is very little action going on. And on of that, Renn has very personality. This is despite the fact that it is written in the first person. Apart from that, it is really well written. It is full of charm and I do like the story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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My Irresistible Earl by Galen Foley 

Once she vowed to marry the Earl of Falconridge. Now, she vows to forget him. After he abandoned her for a life shrouded in secrecy, Mara, Lady Pierson, has succeeded in keeping him away, until he appears unexpectedly, making her fall in love all over again. Forced back into Mara’s life by duty, the Earl quickly stays for love. He has never forgotten this passionate beauty. But their newfound love is endangered- because the Inferno Club demands a lot of its members, and his vital mission is exposing a deadly plot that could threaten their very lives. 

This is another excellent book in the Inferno Club series. I love everything about it, the storyline, the characters and the writing. Galen Foley is an amazing writer and one of my favourites. I really enjoyed reading it. My only complaint is that Mara can be a little bratty but apart from it is an enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Fantasy Books

So I was talking to my dad today about recommendations for fantasy books. And I could only come up with a few.  

So here are a list of fantasy books that I would go back to or would recommend. 

1) Harry Potter By J. K.  Rowling 

2) The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien 

3) The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher 

4) The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

5) The Magican’s Guild by Trudi Canavan

6) Greatcoats by Sebastian de Castell 

7) The Belgariad by David Eddings 

8) Nightrunner by Lynn Flewelling

9) Alex Verus by Benedict Jacka 

10) Seraphina by Rachel Hartman 

11) The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan 

12) The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis

13) Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

14) Temeraire by Naomi Novik 

15) His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

Now these are only some of the many fantasy books out there. If there are any you think I’ve missed let me. I hope you enjoy them.  

Absolute Power by David Baldacci

A grizzled professional cat burglar gets trapped inside the bedroom closet if one of the world’s richest men, only to witness, through a one way mirror, two Secret Service agents kill the billionaire’s trampy young wife as she tries to fight off the drunken sexual advances of the nation’s chief executive. Running for his life, but not before he picks up a bloodstained letter opener that puts the president at the scene of the crime, the burglar becomes the target of a clandestine manhunt orchestrated by leading members of the executive branch. Meanwhile, Jack Graham, once a public defender and now a high powered corporate attorney, gets drawn into the case because the burglar just happens to be the father of his former financee, a crusading Virginia prosecutor.

This is a really good book. I don’t normally read thrillers but I really enjoyed reading this. David Baldacchi is a really good writer and has a way of writing that makes you want to know more. It is intriguing, well written and I loved reading it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Daringly to Drive by Manal Al-Sharif

Manal Al-Sharif grew up in Mecca the second daughter of a taxi driver, born the year fundamentalism took hold. In her adolescence, she was a religious radical, melting her brother’s boy band cassettes in in the oven because music was haram: forbidden by Islamic law. But what a difference an education can make. By her twenties she was a computer security engineer, one of few women working in a dessert compound that resembled suburban America. That’s when the Saudi kingdom’s contradictions became too much to bear: she was labelled a slut for chatting with male colleagues, her teenage brother charperoned her on a business trip, and while she kept a car in garage, she was forbidden from driving down city streets behind the wheel. 

So imagine not being able to open a bank account, have an education or go to the hospital without permission from a male member of your family. This is the reality for a lot of women in Saudi Arabia. This book is so good. Manal Al-Sharif is an inspiration. I love her story. It is also an excellent look into Saudi Arabian culture. It seems strange that if you are a woman you permission to certain things. In this case, thank god for social media, because Al- Sharif’s story would not have told and that would have been a shame. It’s an amazing read and one that is worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Dancing in the Wind by Mary Jo Puntey

Like his nickname, Lucifer, Lord Strathmore is known for unearthly beauty and diabolical cleverness. A tragic past has driven Lucien to use his formidable talents to protect his country from hidden enemies. It’s a job he does superbly well – until he meets a mysterious woman whose skill at deception are equal to his own.  By turns glamorous and subdued, his enchanting adversary baffles his mind even as she dazzles his senses. A perilous mission has forced Kit Travers into a deadly game of shifting identities and needful lies, where a single misstep may cost Kit her life. But her disguises are easily penetrated by the Earl of Strathmore, who may a vital ally – or a lethal enemy. Unwilling to trust, yet unable to part, Kit and Lucien join forces to search the dangerous underside of London society. Yet even two master deceivers cannot escape passion’s sensual web- or from an impossible love more precious than life itself.  

I love this book. Mary Jo Putney wrote such an intriguing book, that made you wonder what was going to happen next. I loved everything about it. Lucien is an amazing character and I really enjoyed the fact that Kit was able to keep him on his toes. Putney is an engaging writer and I loved every minute of it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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My Dangerous Duke by Galen Foley 

They say that the very name of Warrington is cursed… From a time as old as the cold stone of the duke’s ancestoral castle, the Warrington men have been plagued by tragedy. But Rohan Kilburn, the Duke of Warrington, has vowed to escape the predestined torment by forsaking love and devoting his life to the Inferno Club and its secret mission. And then she is brought to him unbidden by cutthroats hoping to calm the dukes infamous temper – a sacrificial virgin of sorts. But even overpowered, Kate Madsen will be no man’s sacrifice. And the dukes price for claiming her may be what he has sworn never to give – the heart he had so long fiercely guarded- to the beautiful hostage he was never meant to love. 

This is another excellent book in the series. I love Galen Foley. She is an excellent writer, and her books are perfect for either holidays or else sitting in front of the fire with some tea. This is an amazing book, with a brilliant storyline and characters. I love everything about it. It is so easy to read and brilliantly written. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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My Wicked Marquess by Gaelen Foley

To restore family honour the Marquess of Rotherstone faces his most dangerous mission- finding the perfect bride. To London’s aristocracy, the Inferno Club is a scandalous society of men no proper young lady would acknowledge. But though they are publicly notorious for pursuing all manner of debauchery, in private they are warriors who would do anything to protect King and country. The Marquess of Rotherstone has decided it’s time to restore the family’s good name. But as a member of the Inferno Club, he knows there is only one way to redeem himself in Society’s eyes: marry a lady of impeccable beauty and breeding, whose reputation is, above all, spotless. Someone quite unlike Daphne Starling. True, she’s temptingly lovely, but a jilted suitor has nearly ruined her reputation. Still, Max cannot resist her allure- or the challenge of proving London’s gossips wrong. He would do anything to win her hand … and show her that even a wicked Marquess can make a perfect husband. 

I really enjoyed reading this book. My only complaint is that I did feel that Daphne was a bit spoiled. There was a point towards the end of the book when Max was in the verge of telling Daphne his secrets, but instead of waiting and talking about it with her new husband, she threw a fit. Having said that, I really enjoyed it. I love Galen Foley, she’s one of my favourite writers. She has a way of sucking you into the story and getting you to fall in love with the characters. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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