The Ambassador’s Mission by Trudi Canavan 

Sonea, a Black Magican of Kryalia, is horrified when her son, Lorkin, volunteers to assist the new Guild Ambassador to Sachaka. When comes that Lorkin has gone missing, Sonea is desperate to find him, but  if she leaves the city she will be exiled forever. And besides, an old friend is in need of her help. Most of her friend’s family has been murdered- the latest in a long line of assassinations to plague the Thieves of the city. There have always been rivalry, but now the Thieves are waging a deadly unground war, and it appears that they have been doing so with magical assistance. 

This is the start of another great story for Sonea and her friends. I loved everything about it. It’s so interesting how things have changed in the city of Kryalia. It’s also nice to see some of the old characters, such as Clery, Dannyl, Rothen and Regin. Like with all of Trudi Canavan’s books, it is well written, engaging and oh so good. I love it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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