
I know what you’re going to say. Diaries don’t have anything to do with books. And you are right. 

But I do believe that having a diary/journal is an important idea. Especially one that you write in, and not one in which you use the internet. 

Now I know it seems a bit hypocritical of me to be saying this. I am writing a blog that I have to put on the internet. 

But I do believe that having some sort of physical document is important and would be great for future generations. 

I think today we put a lot onto social media.  We use the likes of Facebook, Twitter or even WordPress to say what we think but we forget the actual physical writing down of things. 

Think if we had the internet during WW2 we wouldn’t have Anne Frank’s diary. And that would a shame. 

Even with the likes of Alexander Hamilton. Because we have a lot of his letters and documents and we are able to have an idea of who he was. 

Look at some of the fiction books that we have. They are important as well because they are an indication of what it’s like today. If that makes sense. For example, I read a book by Martina Reilly about two years and in this book she mentions Roches Stores. (I’d tell you the name of it but I forget it sorry). Now for those that don’t know Roches Stores they were the equivalent of Debahams today. It was nice to read about it. 

I know this is a bit of a weird topic, but I think having these physical documents, including books, gives future generations an idea of who we are. 

Does any of this make sense? Let me know in the comments. 

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