Monthly Archives: September 2017


So this may a bit of a touchy subject for some, but as a woman, I do believe in feminism. 

And when I say that I include men in this as well. Equality isn’t just for one person, race, sex or class it’s for everyone. 

I really think it’s important that we all should be able to have the same wage, as well as having the same opportunities as everyone else. 

Over the past year, I’ve read three feminist books and I would like to read a few more. They are Daring to Drive by Manal Al Sharif, We Should All be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. 

I really enjoyed reading them and I feel that they were able to help me realise that we are lucky to be living in this century but also that women need to stand up for ourselves more.

I also enjoyed reading I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai. This book made me realise the importance of education for both men and women. I am grateful for my own opportunity to go to college and been able to enjoy that experience. Education is so important for everyone. 

I think I keep saying this but one book I hope, at some point, to read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. It’s funny, when I was in fifth year (about 17 or so) our teacher told us to get this book, but then told us to get another. So it’s been on my list for years and I will read it. 

Another I’d like to read is Yes Please by Amy Poehler. It looks like an interesting book that would also be quite humorous. 

Now these are just some of the many, many feminist books that are out there. Like with so many other genres, you would need several lifetimes to read them all. And even then you would probably need several more to read the new ones that come out. 

If there is any you think I missed, or that you would recommend, let me know in the comments. 

The Ambassador’s Mission by Trudi Canavan 

Sonea, a Black Magican of Kryalia, is horrified when her son, Lorkin, volunteers to assist the new Guild Ambassador to Sachaka. When comes that Lorkin has gone missing, Sonea is desperate to find him, but  if she leaves the city she will be exiled forever. And besides, an old friend is in need of her help. Most of her friend’s family has been murdered- the latest in a long line of assassinations to plague the Thieves of the city. There have always been rivalry, but now the Thieves are waging a deadly unground war, and it appears that they have been doing so with magical assistance. 

This is the start of another great story for Sonea and her friends. I loved everything about it. It’s so interesting how things have changed in the city of Kryalia. It’s also nice to see some of the old characters, such as Clery, Dannyl, Rothen and Regin. Like with all of Trudi Canavan’s books, it is well written, engaging and oh so good. I love it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Petals in the Storm by Mary Jo Putney 

A cool master of sensuality, Rafe Whitbourne, Duke of Candover, earned his rakish reputation in the silken boudoirs of England’s aristocracy, never giving away his hand or his heart. Then a vital mission takes him to Paris to work with Countess Madga Jonos, the most beautiful spy in Europe. To his shock, the smokey eyed temptress is no countess, but the deceitful tart who betrayed him a dozen years before – the only woman he has ever loved, and the only woman he had ever despised. Margot Ashton wants nothing more than to forget her turbulent past and the memerizing man who wronged her. But patriotism binds the two together in a shadowland of intrigue, where a dangerous plot may plunge a continent into war …. and a whirlwind of passion sweeps them into a shattering love that cannot be denied. 

I love this book. It has a lot of elements that I like: history, romance and intrigue. It really grips you and you really want to know more. It is also very well written. Mary Jo Putney is slowly becoming one of my favourite writers. It’s such an enjoyable read and one that you could snuggle up with in front of the fire. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The High Lord by Trudi Canavan 

Sonea has learned much at the magican’s guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord’s underground room – or his warning tat the realm’s ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she begins to doubt her guildmaster’s word. Could the truth be as terrifying as Akkarin claims, or is he trying to trick her into assisting in some unspeakably dark scheme?

This is the final book in the Black Magican trilogy. And it is a brilliant ending to the trilogy. I loved everything about it. It’s so easy to read and this series is one of my favourites. I couldn’t stop reading it. It is such a brilliant book. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Novice by Trudi Canavan 

Alone among all the novices in the Magican’s Guild, only Sonea comes from lowly beginnings. Yet she has powerful allies- including Lord Dannyl, newly appointed to Guild Ambassador. But Dannyl must depart for the Elyane court, leaving Sonea at the mercy of the lies and malicious rumours her enemies are spreading … until the High Lord Akkarin steps in. But the price of Akkarin’s support is dear, however, because Sonea must protect his mysteries – and a secret that could lead a young novice Mage into darkness. Meanwhile, Dannyl’s first order to resume High Lord Akkarin’s long abandoned research into ancient magical knowledge is setting him on an extraordinary journey fraught with unappreciated peril – as he moves ever closer to a future both wondrous … and terrible. 

So this is the second book in a series called The Black Magican Trilogy and it is amazing. The first book is called The Magican’s Guild. I reviewed it before and this lives up to the first one. It is engaging, well written and one of my favourites. I loved every second of it. Sonea is one of my favourite characters and I so enjoyed her story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Dangers of Deceiving a Viscount by Juila London 

Lady Phoebe Fairchild is well aware that the tom would be appalled to learn of a young lady of quality involved in a trade. Therefore, she resorts to selling her beautiful handmade gowns under a fictional name: Madame Dupree. So when circumstances force her to visit the estate of William Darcy, the Viscount of Summerfield, to design ball gowns for his sisters, she assumes Madame’s identity. Phoebe’s discomfort in her position as hired help is nothing compared to her visceral reaction to the Viscount himself. Heathenisly handsome and shamelessly seductive, Will invites her to be his mistress – and Phoebe is shockingly tempted to accept. But as their desire for each other grows and the risk of exposure becomes even greater, Phoebe is in dire danger of losing her reputation, her livelihood – and her chance of becoming the bride of the man whose passion has claimed her forever. 

I love this book. Juila London is an amazing writer and I love the characters and the story. It is well written and engaging. Phoebe and Will are amazing characters and I loved reading about their story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Choal Westfall and Nesryn Faliq have arrived in the shining city of Antica to force an alliance with the Khagan of the Southern Continent, whose vast armies are Erilea’s last hope. But they have also come to Antica for another purpose: to seek healing at the legendary Torre Cesme for the wounds that Choal received in Rifthold. After enduring unspeakable horrors as a child, Yrene Towers has no desire to help a young lord from Adarlan, let alone to heal him. Yet she has sworn an oath to assist those in need- and will honour it. But Lord Westfall carries darkness from his own past, and Yrene soon comes to realise it could engulf them both. And deep in the shadows of distant mountains, where warriors soar on mighty ruks, long awaited answers slumber. Answers that might offer their world a chance at survival- or doom them all. 

I really enjoyed reading this book. Sarah J. Maas is an amazing writer and I really enjoyed reading the world that she has created. I also couldn’t wait to read more about the world of Throne of Glass. And hearing more about Aelin Galathynis and her friends. It’s also interesting to hear it from a different source and how other people see Aelin. I also love the fact that there is guy who is disabled. Choal is goes through a lot to get back to recovery and Maas does it very well. It is such a good book and one that is worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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I know what you’re going to say. Diaries don’t have anything to do with books. And you are right. 

But I do believe that having a diary/journal is an important idea. Especially one that you write in, and not one in which you use the internet. 

Now I know it seems a bit hypocritical of me to be saying this. I am writing a blog that I have to put on the internet. 

But I do believe that having some sort of physical document is important and would be great for future generations. 

I think today we put a lot onto social media.  We use the likes of Facebook, Twitter or even WordPress to say what we think but we forget the actual physical writing down of things. 

Think if we had the internet during WW2 we wouldn’t have Anne Frank’s diary. And that would a shame. 

Even with the likes of Alexander Hamilton. Because we have a lot of his letters and documents and we are able to have an idea of who he was. 

Look at some of the fiction books that we have. They are important as well because they are an indication of what it’s like today. If that makes sense. For example, I read a book by Martina Reilly about two years and in this book she mentions Roches Stores. (I’d tell you the name of it but I forget it sorry). Now for those that don’t know Roches Stores they were the equivalent of Debahams today. It was nice to read about it. 

I know this is a bit of a weird topic, but I think having these physical documents, including books, gives future generations an idea of who we are. 

Does any of this make sense? Let me know in the comments. 

The Perils of Pursuing a Prince by Julia London 

Lady Greer Fairchild hopes to avoid guardian Lord Downey’s plan of marriage to the first bidder by seeking her inheritance, controlled by Rhodrick Glendower, Earl of Radnor, Prince of Powys. Overly helpful Mr. Percy reinforces rumour that the Prince is rough, ruthless- even a murderer. But Greer never imagines the brute would refuse to let her leave his Welsh castle until she proves her identity. Or that she would be powerfully attracted to the passionately virile man whose gruff demeanor belies a proud and sensual nature. Greer falls under his spell, determined to unravel the secrets of her Welsh heritage and the mystery surrounding the dark prince who dares her to become his princess and bride. 

I love this book. Greer and Rhodrick are amazing characters. I really enjoyed reading their story. Julia London is an amazing writer and she really gets you sucked into the story. I love everything about it. It’s such a good book. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Hazards of Hunting a Duke by Juila London 

When the three young ladies of the Fairchild family learn that their stepfather has absconded with their late mother’s fortune, Ava, the eldest, hunts down the notorious weathly rakehell Jared Broderick, the Marquess of Middleton and heir to a dukedom. Much to her shock and delight, the Marquess sweeps her into a whirlwind romance and proposes marriage. But after their passionate wedding night, Ava discovers Jared has ulterior motives of his own. Not only does he expect her to deliver an heir while he continues to enjoy a rouges life, but Ava also suspects she is a pawn in her husband’s quest for revenge. Marriages of convenience may work for some, but for Ava a loveless bond won’t do. So she devices a bold plan to confront her husband’s demons so that he might be free to choose to give her his heart for the right reason: because she is the only woman he will ever truly desire. 

I love this book. It’s so good. Juila London is an amazing writer and she is able to write characters and a world that you can’t help but fall in love with. Ava and Jared are amazing characters and I love their story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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