Monthly Archives: August 2017

A Summer at Sea by Katie Fforde 

Emily is happy with her life just as it is. She has a career as a midwife that she loves. She enjoys living on her own as a single woman. But she also feels it’s time for a change and a spot of sea air. So when her best friend Rebecca asks her whether she’s like to spend the summer cooking on a ‘puffer’ boat just off the Scottish coast, she jumps at the chance. But she barely has time to get to grips with the galley before she finds herself with a lot on her plate. Rebecca is heavily pregnant and is thrilled to have her friend on board doing most of the work. Then there’s Emily’s competitive and jealous kitchen assistant who thinks she should be head cook, not Emily. And there’s Alasdair, the handsome local doctor who Emily is desperately trying not to notice. Because if she falls in love with him, as he appears to be falling for her, will she ever want her old life back again?

I really enjoyed reading this book. My only complaint is that Emily keeps blushing. It does get a little annoying. Having said that, it is so easy to read and I love the characters and the story. Katie Fforde is an amazing writer and one that gets you to fall in love with her world. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Final Storm by Wayne Thomas Batson

Still staggering under Paragor’s relentless attacks, Allable’s remaining allies flee from the four corners of the Relam to safety within the Kingdom’s walls. But there is little time for Alleble to mourn before Paragor, the Wrym Lord and the Seven Sleepers unite against the followers ofKimg Eliam. As Alleble begins to lose hope, Paragor unleashes the Final Storm. Will anyone survive to see the dawn?

This is an excellent conclusion to the trilogy.  I really enjoyed reading it. Again it is filled with a lot of Christian stuff, but once you get past that it is an enjoyable read. For example, there is a lot of ‘Character thought of King Eliam and Character was peaceful’ kind of thing. But having said that you do get stuck into the story and you do stop noticing it after a while. I have to admit I’m not really big on the religion side of things, despite that I did think it was an amazing story. I know I keep bringing that up and I’m sorry but it didn’t take away from the story for me. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Book Clubs

Have you ever been to a book club? I am currently part of one and it is really interesting. Partly coz you get to read books that you not have considered before or you could read books that you have been meaning to read.

Like recently I read David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. For me, it’s one of those books that I’ve been meaning to read, but at the same time I’ve been putting on the long finger due to the sheer size. However I did enjoy it and, while I have a few criticisms, I’m glad I read it.

I will also be recommending a few books that I know I have been putting off. ‘I know why the caged bird sings’ by Maya Angelou is one such book.

Personally, I think that book clubs are a great way to meet new people as well read some good books. It could be an excuse to meet up with old friends too and have a good bitching session with them too.

If you are not part of one, I would most definitely recommend becoming part of one. It is a lot of fun.

The Rise of the Wrym Lord by Wayne Thomas Batson

Separated from his friend by a thousand miles and unable to return to the Realm of Glimpses himself, Aidan Thomas needs a way to reach Robby with the message of King Eliam, the one true King. Enter Antoinette Lynn Reed, a bright but headstrong young lady who believes in the Scrolls of Alleble and has a passion for full contact Kendo. When Aidan discovers that Antoinette has been called to enter the Realm, he solicits her to help find Robby’s Glimpse before it’s too late. When she arrives in Alleble, however, Antoinette finds the kingdom is in turmoil. Alleble’s allies are inexplicably beginning to turn away, renouncing former ties with King Eliam. And there are rumours that the dark Prince of Paragory is seeking an ancient evil to crush Alleble once for and all. Can Antoinette and a team of Alleble’s finest knights learn the secret of Paragory’s growing power? And will they be able to stop the rise of the Wyrm Lord?

This is such a good book. Admittedly it has a lot of Christian overturns, but despite that I really enjoyed reading it. It’s engaging and well written. My only complaint is that there are certain characters that seem to bellow a lot when there’s no need for it. They could be having a normal conversation and suddenly they start bellowing what they are saying. It gets a little annoying. It is worth reading though, as I like the idea behind it. Now this is the second one in a series (I have reviewed the first one it’s called The Door Within) and it’s just as good as the first one. There is a lot more bloodshed in this one, and Wayne Thomas Batson does it quite well. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Superchick by Stephen J. Martin

Jimmy Collins’ hilarious quest for the mythical babe who has it all. 

So this is a short description I know, but boy is it worth it. It is such a good book. Basically this guy meets a girl in a nightclub, but when he tries to call her the next day he finds his phone is missing and he goes looking for her in an unusual way. It is so worth reading. It’s funny, engaging and the characters are just brilliant. I love how Stephen Martin is able to capture the Irish humour. It is so easy to read and worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Stately Pursuits by Katie Fforde

Hetty Longden’s mother thinks that looking after Great Uncle Samuel’s crumbling stately home will be just the thing for Hetty’s broken heart. Hetty doesn’t mind; at least she can be miserable in private. But ‘private’ is a relative term in a village which resolves around the big house. Particularly when you are expected to thwart Great Uncle Samuel’s awful heir and his nefarious plans for his inheritance. Pitchforked into the community’s fight to save the manor, Hetty has no time to wallow. And once she has shared her troubles with one neighbor (Caroline: a very understanding shoulder, despite her glamorous appearance and impossibly long legs), and cast an appreciative eye over another (Peter: equally long legged, but offering rather more practical help), she wonders if her heart is irretrievably broken after all… 

I love Katie Fforde, she is such an amazing writer. All of her books are so easy to read. This one is no different. I love the storyline, the characters and everything about it. Fforde is able to get you sucked into the story and you will fall in love with her world. It is perfect for holidays or for cozing up in front of a fire. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Importance of Being a Book Cover

Sorry about the title.. couldn’t resist. 

Having said I’d thought I would talk about book covers and it seem like a good idea. But book covers can be important when choosing a book. 

I have to admit there are a few books that I have that I choose simply because of how pretty they were. I may have bought a couple of the same book because of the cover. (They are so pretty). 

For example, have you seen some of the Everyman’s Library books?

Aren’t they so pretty? And they are not a bad price either. They are between €15-20. For hardbacks that quite good. Normally they would be €20 or more. 

I really want to get a few of my favourite books in these covers coz they are just so nice!

I know it seems so silly to be saying books are pretty and it really is a nerdy thing. But sometimes it’s nice to have it and be like that is mine.  

Is anyone else tempted to get a book they already own simply because they thought the cover was pretty? Let me know in the comments. 

The Summer Seaside Kitchen by Jenny Colgan

Flora is definitely, absolutely sure that escaping the quiet Scottish island where she grew up to the noise and hustle of the big city was the right choice. What was there for her in Mure? It’s a place where everyone has known her all her life and no one will let her forget the past.  In the city, she can be anonymous, ambitious and indulge herself in her hopeless crush on her boss, Joel. When a client demands Flora’s presence on Mure, she’s suddenly swept back into life with her brothers (all strapping, loud and incapable of basic housework) and her father. As Flora indulges her new found love for cooking and breathes life into the dusty pink fronted shop on the harbour, she’s also going to terms with past mistakes – and work out where her future lies …

I think this is my favourite Jenny Colgan book. It is so good. It deals with a lot as well as being a really good chick lit book. I loved reading about Flora and her family. It is one of those books that help heal the heart as two broken people fall in love. I also really enjoyed the way Jenny Colgan wove the stories about the selkies and naiads. Its definitely one of my favourites. (Repetitive I know but it really is so good) I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Lost Duke of Wyndham by Juila Quinn

Jack  Audley has always been a highwayman. A solider. And he has always been a rogue. What he is not, and never wanted to be, was a peer of the realm, responsibile for an ancient heritage and the livelihood of hundreds. But when he is recognised as the long lost son of the House of Wyndham, his carefree life is over. And if his birth proves legitimate, then he will find himself with the one title he never wanted: Duke of Wyndham. Grace Eversleigh has spent the last five years toiling as the companion to the dowager Duchess of Wyndham. It is a thankless job, with very little break from routine … until Jack Audley lands in her life, all rakish smiles and debonair charm. He is not a man who takes no for an answer, and when she’s in his arms, she’s not a woman who wants to say no. But if he is the true duke, then he is the one man she can never have…

This is such a good book. I love Julia Quinn and everything she writes. This is engaging, well written and just amazing. The characters are excellent as well as the storyline. It is lighthearted and perfect for either a holiday read or cosying up in front of a fire. One of the things that is interesting about this book is that it is a dual reading. There is a second book that place at the same time as this book. It is a different way of reading, but Juila Quinn does a great job of doing it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it.  

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The Ghost Next Door by R. L. Stine

Hannah Fairchild is startled to wake up from a horrific nightmare to find that the empty house next door has suddenly been sold, as if overnight, and the son of the family somehow has the ability to survive near fatal accident. The more she investigates, Hannah discovers to her shock that the new neighbors might be ghosts. 

The Goosebumps series is one of those series that everyone should read at least once. And one of the handy things about it is that you don’t have to read them in order to read them. I so enjoyed reading this book. It is interesting, engaging and well written. I also enjoyed the ending. R. L. Stine is an excellent writer and one that is worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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