Monthly Archives: April 2017

Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz 

No sooner has Alex splashed down off the coast of Australia than he finds himself sucked into another adventure. This time he’s working for ASIS – the Australia Secret Service- and his target is the criminal underworld underworld if South East Asia: the ruthless world of Snakehead. 

This book is so good. One of the things that I like about it is that Alex gets to know more about his family in this book. You also get to see how compassionate Alex is. This book is so good and very easy to read. It’s almost addictive. I so enjoyed reading this book. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Three Wishes 

So I thought I would do something a little different. 

If a genie granted you three book wishes what would it be?

For me, it would be a hard one, I think. The first one would definitely be more space. I would love for maybe an entire room or maybe a floor. That would be sooo nice. 

The second and third wish is a little more difficult. I mean there are so many options. 

I think maybe my second wish would be to meet J. K. Rowling. Not one on one, coz that would be incredibly intimidating. But I would love to meet her. 

This one will be probably be the hardest. I may have to come to you on that one. There are so many options. Hmm.. it would be nice maybe to have unlimited access to books, either through a bookshop or the library. I say that but it would also be nice to have some everlasting food to go with my books.  I think I’m in two minds about the last wish. 

I’m sorry for the last wish but it’s a hard one. Does anyone have wishes that they wish they could get? Let me know in the comments. 

Avalon High by Meg Cabot 

To newcomer Ellie, Avalon High seems like a typical American high school, complete with jocks, cheerleaders, and even the obligatory class president and all around good guy. But it doesn’t take long for Ellie to suspect that something weird is going on beneath the glossy surface of this tranquil hall of learning. As she pieces together the meaning of this unfolding drama, she begins to recognise some haunting Arthurian echoes, causing her to worry that she has become a pawn in mythic history. 

So despite the dramatic description, this is a really good book. I love the characters and the use of myth in a modern day setting. Meg Cabot, with her usual grace and style, really gets you to fall in love with the story. One of the things I like about it is that Ellie wasn’t hanging about waiting for answers. She went out and got them. It was nice to read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Ark Angel by Anthony Horowitz 

The sniper’s bullet nearly killed him. But Alex Rider managed to survive… just in time for more trouble to come his way. When kidnappers attempt to snatch a fellow patient from the exclusive hospital where Alex is recovering, he knows he has to stop him. But the boy he saves is no ordinary patient: He is the son of Nikolai Drevlin, one of the richest men in the world. The eccentric billionaire has been targeted by Force Three, a group of eco terrorists who claim his project Ark Angel – the first luxury hotel in outer space- is a danger to the environment. Soon Alex discovers that Force Three will stop at nothing to destroy Ark Angel, even if it means sending four hundred tons of molten glass and steel hurtling down to Earth and killing millions… unless Alex can stop them.  

This series gets better and better the more you read it. Alex Rider is an amazing character. It is another action packed book that everyone will love. One of the things that I like about this book is that Alex grows up so much in this book. For example, he makes some decisions that he didn’t think through, but towards the end, he gets out of the situation by thinking things through. It is nice to read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 
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Airhead by Meg Cabot 

Em Watts is gone. Emerson Watts didn’t even want to go to the new SoHo Stark Megastore grand opening. But someone needed to look out for her sister, Frida, whose crush, British heartthrob Gabriel Luna, would be singing and signing autographs there – along with newly appointed Face of Stark, teen supermodel sensation Niki Howard. How was Em to know that disaster would strike m, changing her-and life as she’d known it- forever? One bizarre accident later, and Em Watts, always the tomboy, never the party princess, is no longer herself. Literally. 

This is a really good book. My only complaint is that Em, who is a very staunch feminist, is very hard on her sister, who is a lot more frivolous than her. It got a little annoying after a while. But apart from that it is an amazing book. Meg Cabot is one of my favourite authors and she creates characters and worlds that you can’t help but fall in love with. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Scorpia by Anthony Horowitz 

Alex Rider, teen spy, has always been told he is the spitting image of the father he never knew. But when Alex learns that his father may have been an assassin for the most powerful terrorist organisation in the world, Scorpia, his world shatters. Now Scorpia wants Alex on their side, and Alex no longer has the strength to fight them. That is, until he learns of Scorpia’s latest plot: an operation known only as ‘Invisible Sword’ that will result in the death of thousands of people. Can Alex prevent the slaughter, or will Scorpia prove once and for all that the terror will not be stopped?

Alex Rider is one of my favourite characters. This is another excellent story in the series. Once you get into it, you will find it hard to stop. I really enjoyed the story and the writing. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz 

Sir Damian Cray is a philanthropist, peace activist and the worlds most famous pop star. But it’s not enough. He needs more if he is to save the world. Trouble is only Alex Rider recognises that it’s the world that needs to be saved from Sir Damian Cray. Underneath the luster of glamour and fame lies in a twisted mind, ready to sacrifice the world for his beliefs. But in the past, Alex has always had the backing of the government. This time, he’s on his own. Can one teenager convince the world that the most popular man on earth is a madman bent on destruction before time runs out?

Each book in this series gets better and better. Alex Rider is an amazing character. This is an amazing book. Anthony Horowitz is a fantastic writer who sucks you into the story. I love everything about it, the story, the characters and the plot. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Stray by Rachel Vincent 

There are only eight breeding female werecats left … And I’m one of them. I look like an all- American grad student. But I am a werecat, a shape shifter, and I live in two worlds. Despite reservations from my family and my Pride, I escaped the pressure to continue my species and carved out a normal life for myself. Until the night a Stray attacked. I’d been warned about Strays – werecats without a Pride, constantly on the lookout for someone like me: attractive, female and fertile. I fought him off, but then learned two of my tabbies had disappeared. This brush of danger was all my Pride needed to summon me back … for my own protection. Yeah, right. But I’m no meek kitty. I’ll take on whatever-and whoever- I have to in order to find my friends. 

I really enjoyed this book. I do have a few issues with it though. Some of the male characters are a bit ‘I must be show my dominance in all areas’ to the point where it came across as a little abusive. And Faythe can be a little selfish at times. They get better towards the end of the book though, which is good. Apart from that, it is an enjoyable book. I really like the fact that Fathye and her Pride are werecats instead of the traditional werewolves. It’s kinda cool. It is such an interesting read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Re-Reading Books

This came up a few times in conversation this week, for some reason so I thought I would talk about it. 

There are certain books that I would constantly go back to, such as Harry Potter and Jane Eyre. I love re reading books. When you do it, you may pick up things you never noticed in the first read. 

It can also help you to get over a reading slump, as you already know you like it. One of the things that I love about re reading books is the feeling that you are back with old friends. 

It’s also interesting to see how you look at a book differently when you read it again. For example, I read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle a few years. I gave it away and I got recently as a Christmas present (thanks to my sister) and I realised, thanks to my second reading, that while I enjoyed it, it’s more suited for young readers who are starting to read. I am glad I read again though.

This is why re reading books is important. You can see things in a new light. 

Does anyone else re read their favourite books? Or do you just read it the once? Let me know in the comments. 

Skeleton Key by Anthony Horowitz 

Alex Rider has been through a lot for his fourteen years. He’s been shot at by international terrorists, chased down a mountainside on a makeshift snowboard and has stood face to face with pure evil. Twice, young Alex has managed to save the world. And twice, he has almost been killed doing it. But now Alex must face something even more dangerous. The desperation of a man who has lost everything he cared for: his country and his only son. A man who happens to have a nuclear weapon and a serious grudge against the free world. To see his beloved Russia once again be a dominant power, he will stop at nothing. Unless Alex can stop him first… Uniting forces with America’s own CIA for the first time, teen spy Alex Rider battles terror from the sun baked beaches of Miami all the way to the barren ice fields of Russia. 

This series gets better the more you read it. Alex Rider is an amazing character. One is the things that I liked about this book is despite the very adult situation that he is being put in, you can still see he is just a boy, who longs for parents he’s never had. And he deals with these situations in a great way. I really enjoyed this book and the story. It is a book and a series worth reading. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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