Monthly Archives: February 2017

The Museum of Heartbreak by Meg Leder

Penelope is sixteen and has never been in love. So when handsome, charming Keats sweeps her off her feet, she can’t believe her luck. But then comes the gut wrenching, soul destroying realisation that happy endings don’t always last forever. Suffering from a broken heart, Penelope creates the Museum of Heartbreak, a collection of objects documenting the elation and devastation of first love, friendship and growing up. 

Ok so, this is not a bad book. I did enjoy it a great deal but I have one or two complaints about it. It seems to me that Penelope and her best friend Audury fall out pretty quickly. All because Audury has a friend that Penelope doesn’t like. Ok it’s not the only reason, but it’s one of them. It seems a bit drastic to drop a friend because you don’t like the people they hang around with. (Unless they are doing something stupid and dangerous then drop them) And I have to admit, I’m not sure how I feel about the ending. It seems a bit abrupt. Apart from that, it is very good. It is also so easy to read, which is always nice. I really enjoyed the story, as well as the characters. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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A Pirate’s Love by Johanna Lindsey

Bound by a promise made by her father, young Bettina Verlaine obediently sails westward toward the Caibbean sun-and toward a prearranged marriage she dreads with all her soul. But it is a union not destined to be … once the notorious Captain Tristan’s pirate ship appears on the horizon. A brazen and handsome brigand, Tristan takes Bettina’s breath away away even as he takes her prisoner. And in the warm caress of the tropical winds, she surrenders her innocence to the dashing scoundrel- detesting her virile captor for enslaving her, yet loving him for casting a passionate spell over her fragile, tearing heart. 

I am a huge fan of Johanna Lindsey but this book is probably her weakest one. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good story but Bettina annoyed the hell out of me. She kinda acted like a spoiled little brat. Tristan wasn’t much better. He acted like his word was law and everyone had to jump when he said how high. Now that I think about it, they are perfect for each other. Lindsey is a great writer and I think I enjoyed the story more the characters themselves if that makes sense. This one of the few books where I would hesitate to recommend, however I do hope you enjoy it. 

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White Night by Jim Butcher 

A series of apparent suicides rings alarms bells with the police, and Harry is hired. At the first crime scene he hits pay dirt, discovering an unmistakable magical taint. There’s also a message especially for him, and it ain’t pretty. The ‘killings’ will continue if Harry can’t halt his tormentor, but the evidence implicates his half brother, which just doesn’t add up. Unfortunately Harry’s digging around attracts some powerful vampires with a stake in the result   Soon, whichever way he turns, he will find himself outnumbered, outclassed and dangerously susceptible to temptation. And if he screws up, his friends will die. 

I really enjoyed this book. Harry Dresden is a joy to read. Jim Butcher has a great way of writing and puts humour into everything he writes. White Night is engaging and so easy to read. I love everything about it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Authors I Look Up To 

Have you come across a book that you absolutely love and you really want to know everything about the author because it has inspired you so much?

Well there are one or two authors that I really look up and admire. 

The big one I think is J. K. Rowling. Mainly because she got me into reading. But also because she does a lot of work for mental health, which is so important. One of the things that I really admire about her is the fact that she had a dream and went for it. She was rejected by 12 publishers before being picked up by Bloomsbury. It takes someone of great strength to keep going, after facing so much rejection. I also love following her tweets as she is really comes across as compassionate, as well as being able to stand up to others when the occasion arises. She is someone I would love to meet. 

Another author that I really admire would by Charlotte Bronte. Her and her sisters went through so much. Despite Jane Eyre being treated fairly in school and as a governess, Charlotte and her sisters had a terrible time in school and as governesses. At the time that they were written, schools weren’t the best environment for kids. And being a governess, from what I understand, was not the best job either. You were basically a glorified servant. But each of the Bronte sisters, despite having such terrible lives, I believe were better together than apart. 

To be honest, they are all I can think of at the moment. I know I will think of loads later. Is there anyone that you really admire? If so,let me know in the comments. 

Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher 

There’s no love lost between Harry Dresden, the only wizard in the Chicago phone book, and the White Council of Wizards, who find him brash and undisciplined. But war with the vampires has thinned their ranks, so the Council has drafted Harry as a Warden and assigned him to look into rumours of black magic in the Windy City. As Harry adjusts to his new role, another problem arrives in the form of the tattooed and pieced daughter of an old friend, all grown up and already in trouble. Her boyfriend is the only suspect in what looks like a supernatural assault straight out of a horror film. Malevolent entities that feed on fear are loose in Chicago, but it’s all in a day’s work for a wizard, his faithful dog, and a talking skull named Bob …

I am so in love with this series and the more I read it, the more amazing it gets. Harry Dresden is an amazing character. One of the things I really enjoyed about this book is that Jim Butcher is able to bring humour to a grave situation. Butcher is also a great writer and it is so easy to read. I really love everything about this book. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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The Glass House by Meave Bincy

Kit McMahon lives in the small Irish town of Lough Glass, where knows everyone; children who walk to school together grow up and become sweethearts and marry, people gossip and grumble and dream their lives away. For it is a place where change comes slowly. One day, Kit’s mother disappears and the town gossips run wild with stories. The consequences for Helen’s husband, her son, but above all for her daughter, Kit, are unimaginable and will leave not one of their lives unchanged. 

I so enjoyed this book. Meave Binchy is a brilliant writer and I love how she creates the small Irish town. This is beautifully written and the characters are amazing. Binchy is able to create characters that are both flawed and that you can relate to. It is a great story that you will fall in love. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Darkfever by Karin Marie Moning

When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death- a cryptic message on MacKayla Lane’s cell phone- Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister’s killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed- a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae. 

I really enjoyed this book. My only major complaint is that Mac does act like a brat. And Jericho, the guy who is helping her, can a bit of a dick. But apart from that, it is an enjoyable book. It is easy to read and well written in parts. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Dead Beat by Jim Butcher 

Meet Harry Dresden, Chicago’s first (and only) Wizard P. I. Turns out the ‘everyday’ world is full of strange and magical things- and most of them don’t play well with humans. That’s where Harry comes in. Luckily, however, he’s not entirely alone. Although most people don’t believe in magic, the Chicago P. D. has a Special Investigations department, headed by his good friend Karrin Murphy. They deal with the …stranger cases. It’s down to Karrin that Harry sneaks into Graceland Cemetery to meet a vampire named Mavra. Mavra has evidence that would destroy Karrin’s career, and her demands are simple. She just wants the Word of Kemmler – and all the power that comes with. But first Harry’s keen to know what he’d be handing over. Before long he’s racing against time, and six necromancers, to get the Word. And to prevent a Halloween that would truly wake the dead. 

I am really in love with Harry Dresden. He is becoming my favourite character. With each book, Harry gets better and better. I love each new story that comes my way. It is so enjoyable and easy to read. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Cold Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas 

Devon Ravenel, London’s most wickedly charming rake, has just inherited an earldom. But his powerful new rank in society comes with unwanted responsibilities… and more than a few surprises. His estate is saddled with debt, and the late earl’s innocent sisters are still occupying the house… along with Kathleen, Lady Trenear, a beautiful young widow whose sharp wit and determination are a match for Devon’s own. Kathleen knows better than to trust a ruthless scoundrel like Devon. But the fiery attraction between them to impossible to deny-and from the first moment Devon holds her in his arms, he vows to do whatever it takes to possess her. As Kathleen finds herself yielding to his skilfully erotic seduction, only one question remains: Can she keep from surrounding her heart to the most dangerous man she’s ever known?

I love Lisa Kleypas, she is such a great author and with this book, she creates a world that is just amazing. My only complaint is Devon can be a bit of a dick, especially at the start. He does get better, but it is a little annoying. Apart from that, it is so good. It is well written and I love everything about it. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Burned by Benedict Jacka 

Diviner Alex Verus finally made too many enemies on the Council of Mages, and now one of them is angry enough to have him executed. Fighting for his life is nothing new, but this kill order also calls for the death of Alex’s dependents – and there’s no way that he’ll let Luna, Anne and Vari take the heat. With only a week before he’s history, Alex will have to figure out how to disassociate himself from his friends, scrounge up allies on the Council, and hopefully keep his head attached to his body. But saving himself is going to bring go into direct opposition with his former master and the Dark mages surrounding him. And, this time, escaping with his life might mean losing his soul …

I love Alex Varus and the story that surrounds him. Benedict Jacka is one of my favourite authors. In this I do feel bad for Alex and his friends in this book but it is such a compelling read. I so enjoyed this book and I really cannot wait for the next book to come out. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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