Monthly Archives: January 2017

Hood by Stephen R. Lawhead

This tells the story of Robin Hood. Set in the 12th century, it tells of how he grew up and some of the reasons he became Robin Hood on the first place. 

Not the best description I know, but it’s so good. For any fans of Robin Hood, it is a great story and wonderfully told. Stephen Lawhood is a great writer and his book is well researched. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Death Masks by Jim Butcher 

Harry Dresden should be happy that business is good- makes a change. But now he’s getting more than he bargained for: a duel with the Red Court of Vampires’ champion, who must kill Harry to end the war between vampires and wizards; professional hit men using Harry for target practice; the missing Shroud of Turin (less missing than expected) and a headless corpse the Chicago police need identifying… Not to mention the return  of Harry’s ex girlfriend Susan, still struggling with her semi vampiric nature. And who seems to have a new man. Some days, it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed. No matter how much you’re charging. 

This is a really good book. There is a bit in it that is heartbreaking but it is so good. Harry Dresden is a brilliant character. I really enjoy Jim Butcher’s style of writing it is so engaging. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Then Came You by Lisa Kleypas 

Reckless beauty Lily Lawson delights in shocking London society. She will break any rule to get what she wants…. and she is determined to stop her younger sister from marrying Alex, Lord Wolverton, a handsome and arrogant earl who has vowed to never fall in love. A man who will do anything to possess her… To Alex’s fury, the headstrong hellion presents a temptation he can’t resist. He vows to make her pay dearly for her interference- with her body, her soul and her stubborn, well guarded heart. As Alex and Lily challenge each other at every turn, they are caught up in a white hot desire that burns through every defence and exposes the mystery of Lily’s past … and together they discover love is the most dangerous game of all. 

I love this book. Lisa Kleypas is a great writer. She creates characters and a world that you can’t help but fall in love with. Lily and Alex are great characters.  I love the story and you really want to know what happens next. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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So you are reading a great book and suddenly it ends abruptly. Or the ending is very rushed. Or it’s a really bad ending. 

This drives me up the wall. Especially if it’s a great book/series. I feel that the ending is just as important as the character development, story and writing style. 

One person who is guilty of this is Cinda Williams Chima. Brilliant author, fabulous characters and an excellent world. But her ending sucks. I’ve read two of her series and while I really enjoyed both of them I kinda felt that her ending was rushed. It was like she was told that she had a certain amount of pages to write and when she came to it that was it. It’s so annoying as they are both really good but the ending ruins it. It’s so rushed. 

The only time I have liked that has an abrupt ending is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I was kinda annoyed at the time but I understand why he did it. It’s one of those things where you can’t come back from the ending. No matter what you do, you can’t win with that ending. (Don’t worry I won’t spoil it for you). 

I get that each book is different and each author has a different way of both looking at the and way of writing. But sometimes the author forgets about the ending. 

I really believe that it shapes the way you see a book. So if you are a bidding author, remember your ending and how important it can be.  

What are you thoughts? Let me know. 

Summer Knight by Jim Butcher 

Since his girlfriend left town to deal with her newly acquired taste for blood, Harry’s been down and out. He can’t pat his rent. He’s alienating his friends. He can’t recall his last shower. Then when things are at their worst, the Winter Queen of Farie saunters in with an offer Harry can’t refuse. All he has to find out who murdered the Summer Knight m, the Summer Queen’s right hand man, and clear the Winter Queen’s name. It seems simple, but Farie politics seldom work out that way. Then Harry discovers the fate of the entire world rests on this case. So no pressure… 

The more I read this series, the more I fall in love with this guy. I love the writing and the story. The characters in it are amazing. One of the things I like about this book is that you find out a little more about Harry. It was nice to see that. I love the entire story. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Designer Genes by Emma Hannigan

Emily Cusack has it all sorted. A loving husband, two adorable kids and a gorgeous home. All she needs now is an au pair, for life to be truly perfect. Her friend Susie is content too. A brilliant psychotherapist, she’s got an elegant flat, a wardrobe of ball busting suits, a sleek sports car and doesn’t need a man, thank you very much. The only jeans the friends normally encounter are the designer version. Then Emily learns about genes of a different kind and how she could be the carrier of a cancer causing one. Emily doesn’t take much lying down and deals with this in her decisive way. But can her marriage survive the aftershock? Emily’s news rocks Susie and makes her take a hard look at her own self sufficient life. Brought up by her loving but ditzy single mum, Suzie has never known her father. Now she decides to do something about it. But she’s in for more than she bargains for! One things for sure – life will never be the same. 

This is a brilliant book. I love Emma Hannigan, her books are always a wonder to read.  Emily is a great character. There were parts of this book where I was wrapping my arms around my chest going ‘ow that sounds so painful’. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings 

Long ago, so the Storyteller claimed, the evil God Torak sought dominion and drove men and Gods to war. But Belgarath the Sorcerer led men to reclaim the Orb that protected men of the West. So long as it lay at Riva, the Prophecy went, men would be safe. But that was only a story and Garion did believe in magic dooms, even though the dark man without a shadow had haunted him for years. Bought up on a quiet by his Aunt Pol, how could he the Apostate planned to wake dread Torak, or that he would be led on a quest of unparalleled magic and danger by those he loved- but did not know? 

This is such a good book. In my mind, this is a classic book. I love Garion, he is a brilliant character. David Eddings is such a great writer and he creates a world that you can’t help but fall in love with. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Grave Peril by Jim Butcher 

Harry has faced some terrifying foes during his career. Giant scorpions. Oversexed vampires. Psychotic werewolves. It comes with the territory when you’re the only professional wizard in the Chicago area phone book. But in all Harry’s years of supernatural sleuthing, he’s never faced anything like this; the spirit world’s gone loco. All over town, ghosts are causing trouble- and not the door slamming, boo shouting variety. These ghosts are tormented, violent and deadly. Someone- or something- is stirring them up to wreck unearthly havoc. But why? And why do so many of the victims have ties to Harry? If Harry doesn’t figure it soon, he might just wind up a ghost himself. 

I love Harry Dresden.  This is a great book. I love the story and the characters. The series gets better and better. I think I said this before but I kinda wish find this series sooner. It’s so good. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

This follows the Baudelaire children after their parents death, as they go from guardian to guardian in this series of unfortunate events. 

This is such a good series. I love the Baudelaire children but I feel really bad for them. It is one of those series that helps kids realise that bad things do happen to good people. It also makes you realise that kids see more you think. I should also mention the Netflix series. It’s so good and well worth watching. The tv program actually makes me want to reread them. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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Fool Moon by Jim Butcher 

Business has been slow lately for Harry Dresden. Okay, business has been dead. Not undead-just dead. You would think Chicago would have a little more action for the only professional wizard in the phone book. But lately, Harry hasn’t been able to dredge up any kind of work -magical or mundane. But just when it looks like he can’t afford his meal, a murder comes along that requires his particular brand of supernatural expertise. A brutally mutilated corpse. Strange looking paw prints. A full moon. Take theee guesses. And the first two don’t count. Magic – it can get a guy killed. 

I really wish I had found this series sooner. I know I’m only in book two but honestly it’s so good. My only complaint is that Murphy and Harry seem to have this trust issue and in this book, there is a bit when some info comes to light and Murphy goes nuts. It seems to me at least that the info she goes mad aren’t connected until that point and as a result Harry couldn’t have known about the link. Apart from that I really enjoyed it. Jim Butcher is an excellent writer and creates a world that you can’t help but love. I would definitely recommend it and I hope you enjoy it. 

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